Letters of Appreciation
It is always encouraging when we hear back from Service Members who use the information and gifts we send to them. Here are just a few that you might enjoy.

Dear Patrick Hayes,

My men would like to thank you for the care packages that you sent. Most care packages are given to the conventional armed forces and rarely do soldiers in the special operations commands see packages.

This week, we were at a location with other soldiers and were able to share in the packages. I will tell you that every time we see a school child draw a picture, or just get a note from Americans who really support us, it is a morale booster. Thank you again for taking the time to send a piece of home.

Major Tony Thacker

Dear Brother Patrick,

Thank you for your recent visit to TACOM Life Cycle Management Command and the Detroit Arsenal. The literature you provided to our Soldiers and Marines was well received. I especially appreciated the spirit in which the literature was given. You expressed deep appreciation and concern for our military personnel. Your ministry is heartfelt. I especially appreciate your involvement of the churches in supporting our Service Members.

Patrick, the literature you provide is evangelical and Christ-centered. I know our Soldiers and Marines and their families will benefit from reading the material. I was especially pleased to notice that none of the material you distributed promoted the Christian Gospel at the expense of other faith groups.

Nearly 30% of our military members are religiously unaffiliated. Your literature ministry, especially among this group, will promote their spiritual fitness and strengthen the souls of our warriors.

Brother Patrick, thank you again for what you do for our Service Members.

Dean Bonura
Chaplain (Lieutenant Colonel), U.S. Army, Command Chaplain


This is Chaplain Brian Minietta. I wanted to offer my thanks for the box you recently sent to Afghanistan. The contents of the box are already laid out in our chapel, with the various drawings expressing thanks, candy, and multiple booklets filled with resources and letters of thanks.

We travel all over the country to see our guys, so those booklets will definitely go with us!

Your brother in Christ, Brian

Chaplain Brian Minietta

Brother Patrick,

The guys from the company really enjoyed what you sent. The cookies were a big hit, and the letters, and pictures, the colored ones, and pictures of the churches. Thank you very much.

Gunnery Sgt. Gabe

Dear Patrick Hayes,

Thank you for your email, your service, and the support you give our Soldiers.

There are two things I would like to relate to you:

Soldiers will not forget the support that some Americans have shown. What you and your people do is important, and we appreciate it. Although my men don’t see much of the support, we know it is there.
I will tell my men how much you have done and the other Americans, and I am sure that will boost their morale. Most people will never understand the sacrifices that my guys face daily, but they are willing to go time and time again. Most of my guys are on their third or fourth rotations.
I think the families we leave need more prayer than we do. I appreciate your concern and patriotism.

God Bless

Major Tony Thacker

Dear Brother Patrick,

I don’t know if I ever told you how I received your first packet, but my wife picked it up from you when you visited our home church in Jacksonville. She sent it to me in a care package and that is when I emailed you, thanking you for what you are doing for the troops.

I am extremely grateful for all the encouragement that you gave me while I was over there. Thank you for sending me all the material that you did. I gave out several of your packets to my fellow Soldiers before I left. They were very grateful for them.

In Christ, Joe
