MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida is home to the 6th Air Refueling Wing and the 927th Air Refueling Wing. These two commands and the people stationed there create a unique multi-service community with all branches of service represented. So, although MacDill is an Air Force Base, it is also home to many Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsman.

The Osprey Observer newspaper delivers to 65,000 subscribers in the area. I drove to their office and met the owner, had a good conversation with her. With fuel costs, motel expenses, and eating as frugally as possible, I still felt this was important to share the Gospel with that community.

Your prayers and continued support will help us distribution 20,000 of our GOOD NEWS John and Romans newspaper to some of those servicemembers. This costs $4,500 – but the breakdown of printing and placing the books of John and Romans, the 10 Commandments, and a Bible Lesson into the hands of 20,000 people is $0.33 each.

Those people, when they read their newspaper, will have access to God’s Word at the same time, for $0.33. I know that God can make a difference in their lives!

GOOD NEWS at Fort Stewart
Returning home from MacDill, I was able to have 2,500 GOOD NEWS distributed with The Army Times at Fort Stewart, Hinesville GA.

Another 3,500 GOOD NEWS will be inserted with the Coastal Courier in the Hinesville area the first of March.

Why newspaper distribution?
I used to stand outside the entrances to military bases to pass out Gospel packets. Today’s economy is changing, along with my health. But that doesn’t stop the need for servicemembers to learn about God.

In Hebrews 10:24, it says “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:” I am very much aware what can happen to a Christian who joins the Armed Forces.

Our military members help keep our churches safe. We have a debt to pay them for what they are doing for us. And I believe that the mass distribution could encourage each of them, and any Christian who receives it.

Please pray we will find new churches that will help finance the GOOD NEWS Paper going into homes of members of the Armed Forces.

North Carolina American Legion
The state convention in Raleigh, North Carolina is next week, February 17-19. Please continue to pray for that event and the opportunities to share God’s Word.

E-Newsletter sent on February 11, 2022 – Brother Patrick Hayes