God makes connections in ways I cannot imagine.

Cherryville, NC sponsored a Faith Festival in their downtown area over Veteran’s Day weekend. There were 15 churches participating, handing out food and other items, under the careful protection of the local police.

I had a table there, with our military Gospel packets. The President of the Women’s Auxiliary of the North Carolina American Legion introduced herself to me. You may not know that the American Legions across the nation deal with an epidemic of suicide going on with our Veterans.

This representative made it very clear to me that the material we share with our Veterans is an answer they need; as she said to me, “we need to get this material in the hands of our members.” Pretty encouraging.

Since that meeting with the North Carolina representative, I was contacted by the Mississippi American Legion, who also requested 500 of our military Gospel packets to be distributed at three VA hospitals in Mississippi.

God wants His Word sown and He is raising up some interesting ways to get it done:

The volunteers who passed out Gospel packets at restaurants on Veteran’s Day…
Local newspaper companies distributing the Good News by the thousands in military cities…
And now sending our military Gospel packets to American Legion offices…
Distributing them inside VA hospitals.
We can get God’s Word to thousands who need it.

Please pray for this opportunity and that it will open doors across the nation with other American Legion organizations. Also pray for restructuring and printing the GOOD NEWS John and Romans Newspaper as we get ready to begin to flood our bases with the paper.

Thank you to all those who provide the finances and prayers to keep all this going.

E-Newsletter sent November 30, 2021 – Brother Patrick Hayes